About us

Training program MARKETING FOR NON MARKETERS is the author project of Jiri Hollan.

Jiri Hollan, author

In 1988, he finished his studies at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the Czech Polytechnic University (CVUT) in Prague
In 1990, he studied English in Technical Education Center - Boulder, Colorado

Professional experience:
- Marketing Director, Global Payments Europe, 2004 - 2008
- Marketing Director, Czech Insurance Company (Ceska pojistovna), 1997 - 2001
- Brand Manager a Marketing Projects Manager, Philip Morris, 1995-1997
- Previous working experience mainly from sales and marketing positions in engineering, transportation, travel and durable goods, including one year working experience from Atlanta, GA


Jiri Hollan
Jeremenkova 113, 140 00 Praha 4
IČ: 44322011
DIČ: 011-6406100360

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